This photo and all on this page and page 6B were sent to
us by Don Hendricks. Thank you so much, Don! This is a picture which was carried by
an NVA Officer along with other documents. All NVA Officers kept pictures of their
men with them. The NVA Officer was killed in an ambush and found in a bomb crater by the
61st IPCT attached to the 1st Inf. Div. |
Here is a photo of Jerry Pritchard taking a breather and looking at the
beautiful sunset on his all-paid vacation to the city of Di An, Vietnam - paid for by the
US taxpayers! His solitude was abruptly cut short by mortar rounds. Photo taken in Di An
by a member of the 61st IPCT - 1st Inf. Div. |
From L to R: Tim Gress and John Reed ready for a mission after a sapper
attack on LaiKhe. Track was mounted from APC's. Their APC hit a tree with an ant nest in
it and the nest fell into the APC with them! Don says that he would rather fight the VC
than those ants! "Remember what those ants felt like?" Taken at LaiKhe by
61st IPCT with the 1st Inf. Div. |
This photo shows from L to R: Unknown, John Reed, Tim Gress, Joey (B388),
and Jerry W. "Scottie" Scott during the preparation for the mission described
above. Taken at LaiKhe by the 61st IPCT with the 1st Inf. Div. |
"On the Road Again!"-this photo shows the APCs (1/4 Cav.)
out for the mission. Taken at LaiKhe by the 61st IPCT with the 1st Inf. Div. |
If you study this photo, you will see Dog Handler Tim Gress with Joey, and
Coverman John Reed on track in a plowed area outside LaiKhe after the sapper attack.
This was taken by the 61st IPCT with the 1st Inf. Div. |
Here is Ed Wheeler on a practice track with Sam (5A84) inside the
perimeter. When Jack O'Bannon left the 61st IPCT and was rotated to CONUS, Sam
became Ed's dog - as soon as they "learned" each other. Taken at DiAn with the
1st Inf. Div. |