This group of photos was taken from the "WANTED" Posters at the
Singapore Post Office - Top row from L to R - Dick Burke (who is also very involved in the
ongoing Tracker searches), Steve Tesdall, George Battles (died 1968 in a motor vehicle
accident just after returning to CONUS) and Thomas Dodd. Bottom row from L to R:
Norman Shaw, Roy Burchfield (who brought all of the photos on this page to light!), Richie
Timmons, and CO and Gang Leader, Lt. Don Hendricks. We have received word that this
stalwart band used to take the burled walnut Queen Anne four poster bed belonging to Lt.
Hendricks to off-base maneuvers at BJWS. They even volunteered the information that
said Lt. Hendricks was reclining in the bed as his loyal Team members carried him through
the jungle!
Above photo is the October 1967 Visual Tracker Class from BJWS.
Some of the trainees in the above photo are: George Battles, (died 1968); Jimmy
Nakagawa; Ronald D. Grove, Steven Tesdall, Jimmy M. Witner, E. W. Apman
("Moose"), Dick Burke, Richie Timmons, Tom Dodd, and Roy Burchfield.
Thanks for sharing these memories with us, Roy!
This photo comes from: TET OFFENSIVE 1968: the Turning Point
in Vietnam by James R. Arnold, Campaign Series 4; the Osprey Pub. Co.,
London, 1990. It was captioned: "As in most wars, there was not a 'typical'
soldier on either side. Because of the difficult jungle terrain, field expedients ruled
the day. An American foot soldier going on patrol might carry a rucksack with basic
equipment weighing some 50 lbs. In addition, he hefted three days' rations, 500 M-16
rounds, four 1 lb. fragmentation grenades, 2 smoke grenades, 1 or 2 Claymore mines, 200
rounds for his unit's M-60 Machine gun, 3 or 4 canteens of water and his individual
weapon. Here 1st Inf. Div. soldiers take a break from Tracking patrol."
As of June 22nd, 1999 - Dennis "Shorty" Snyder has identified the Trackers in
the photo: James Goin, "Shorty" Snyder, Tom Auer, Mike Scardina, James
Horten and BLACKIE! |