Photo Album

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Starco~1A.jpg (48054 bytes) NOTE: There are images on pages 6A, 8A, 14A, 22A, 3B, 21C,19G,18I and 20J that some may find objectionable. Please view at your own discretion.

The outstanding coverage of the CTT #13 Reunion Saga as written and published by Richard (Dick) F. Burke about his Team  - then and now.  
REUNION 8A.jpg (18733 bytes) This is a photo of the International Tracker Committee hard at work!   Frank, Sue and Kelly discussing plans for the takeover of BJWS in 2001.


R99 Bjpg.jpg (15800 bytes) Taken by Chet Ellingson at the June 1999 Reunion: From L to R- Mark Bowen, Sal Canchola, Roy Burchfield, Sharon Ellingson, and Don Hendricks.  Would you believe that Sal is viewing a photo of Don's burled walnut Queen Anne bed which was carried by his Team (see page 23B!)
61stReunion.JPG (43526 bytes)
This is truly an extraordinary photo.  This photo was taken at the 1999 First Annual All Tracker Reunion in St. Louis, MO.  Please note that this is a group shot of members of CTT #5, CTT #13, and the formally activated 61st IPCT all in one place at one time!  From L to R: Sal Canchola, CO 61st IPCT - 1968/69; Don Hendricks, CO CTT #13 - 61st IPCT 1967/68; John  Nagel - 78th IPCT - 1971; Ed Wheeler (Sam's Handler) CTT #5 - 61st IPCT -1967/68; Ted Kirmse - NCOIC - CTT #13 - 61st IPCT - 1967/68; Roy Burchfield - CTT #13 - 61st IPCT - 1967/69; and Steve Tesdall - CTT #13 - 61st IPCT - 1967/68.  No one would have believed that we would all be together again like this after 30 +/- years!!!  To quote CO Don Hendricks of the affiliation with the 1st Infantry Div., "If you are going to be one, be a BIG RED ONE!" Also, apologies to John Nagel originally identified incorrectly.  John was attached to the 10th Cav.!

RE 2A.jpg (41929 bytes)
We will have more of the entire group's photos - but, this gives you all an idea of what getting the Family together looked like in June 1999.  This amazing photo shows Trackers from every era and every Divisional affiliation.  Next year, we hope to at least double the number of attendees to the "Millenium Tracker Reunion" here in New Orleans.  A special note to ALL Trackers - you are all extraordinary people, and it is so good to have you home!

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