The photos on this page were also sent in by Major Tony Rossell,
(Retired) Royal Army Veterinary Corps. Tony was one of the superb British Dog
Handler Instructors who trained at the British Jungle Warfare School in Johore Bahru.
These Instructors were the War Dog Training Unit #2 - and sent to Malaysia to train the
American Dog Handlers of the Combat Tracker Teams. These photos are also of the
American trainees who took part in Tracker training at BJWS. Anyone recognize these
guys? Let us know! |
From Left to Right: David Coonrod, Howard Colley, Bruce Wolfarth,
Cpl. John Higgs, Wilford Kelly, Vic Sokeland and (?) Need some help here, guys! |
Paul Louder sent in the names for this group of Handlers who graduated
from BJWS May-June 1968. From L to R: Dave Kast and "Sweep", Rick Tidwell
and "Chicko", Bob Keen and "Sam", Cpl. John Higgs, Don Wohlbrandt and
"Rock", Denzil Lile and "Duke", and our own Paul Louder and
"Mush". Thanks, Paul! |