Photo Album

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NOTE: There are images on pages 6A, 8A, 14A, 22A, 3B, 21C, 19G, 18I and 20J  that some may find objectionable. Please view at your own discretion.
GH 13A.JPG (18680 bytes) Pool Party at the San Antonio Reunion 2001!   Photo courtesy of Greg Hickey!  From L to R: Mark Howard, Jr., Tom and Yvonne Auer, Jim and Betty Chaney, Ernie Muir, Bobby, Brenda and Ryan Konarske, Jenifer Webb and Joe Frank, , Greg and Susan Hickey.  DAMMIT - I wanted to BE there!
GH 12A.JPG (20089 bytes) Tom and Yvonne Auer - Tom's Mom embroidered that great patch - AND made one for ME on a towel that NO one else gets their hands on!  Thanks, Tom, Yvonne and Tom's Mom!  And thanks to Greg Hickey for the Photo - because otherwise - I would not have ANY idea what happened at this Reunion!  (Sue)
GH 17A.JPG (23170 bytes) Mark Hipp, Tom Auer, Greg Hickey, Bruce Seabrook, and Jim Chaney - Photo by Susan Hickey - Greg's Better Half!
DB_REU_2.jpg (56619 bytes)
Father David Biancardi's Reunion Group Photo - Yep, FATHER!   Veteran Tracker and now ordained Priest!  I notice that he is sitting next to my Dear Son of Sambo - I wonder if this is a case of Divine Intervention? 
RE_REU.2001_1.JPG (64092 bytes)
"Labor of Love" - This outstanding Memorial Tribute to EVERY Tracker KIA - Labs, included - was presented for the first time at San Antonio.   From the other Trackers who were there, I have heard not only unanimous praise and deep emotional gratitude for this excellent work - but repeatedly - the feeling that ALL of the Trackers are HOME because of this monumental work - and the really splendid video presentation that Bill Stockell brought.  For all of you who will be with us at Fort Benning's National Infantry Museum for the Combat Tracker Team Memorial Dedication - these will be on display in the Theater at the Museum.  Thanks to you all for this work from your hearts - and the healing it brings to all of us! From L to R: Wiley Clark, Ken Goss, Gary Morris and Ron Eitel.


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