Here is Jim Chaney with the 66th IPCT in 1970. He was working as
recon for 2/12th Infantry Brigade of the 25th Inf. Div. Jim served with the 66th
IPCT and with the 557th IPCT attached to the 101st Airborne. Thanks, Jim, for being such a
great member of the "Tracker Family!" |
Walter Greenhowe and Jim Chaney working as Visual Tracker and Coverman
respectively on a search for a missing "grunt". This was taken with the
2/12th as above. Hats off to our Trackers - the missing soldier was found near Fire
Base Keen. As always - Job Well Done, Trackers! |
Shown here at the "Little Club House on the Prairie" are Greg
Hickey on the left and SSgt. Nabors on the right. The photo was taken in January 1970
during Jim Chaney's tour with the 66th IPCT. |
One of the favorite Labs - it's BINGO - darling of the 66th IPCT and
before that of CTT #1, #2 and #12. This was taken at his quarters during his tour
with the 25th IPCT. |
Off to Cu Chi! Hitching a ride to their splendid accommodations with the
25th Infantry Division, members of the 66th IPCT doing what comes naturally! Check out the
"33" in Bob Gorham's hand! From L to R: Bob Gorham, Walter Greenhowe, Benjamin
and Jim Chaney at the air-conditioned bus stop in Dau Tieng. |