This is an alphabetical listing of all veteran U.S. Army
Trackers in the CTT database. Mine &
Tunnel (MT), Scout (Sct) and Veterinary Technicians (Vet T) personnel with official
attachment to CTT are also listed. Some names are listed more than once indicating
additional tours with a different Team, IPCT or IDCT. Those KIA are
so listed. For more information go to the
identified as INSTR (Instructor) were involved in Tracker training.
For more information go to
Page 13
in the TEAM INDEX. For unit roster in which the individual served
reference the Team, IDCT or IPCT number, go
to the TEAM INDEX and to the
appropriate page. If there is no email address or state listed the
individual may not have been located, or may be deceased. Check the
TEAM INDEX for more information. Note: the email
addresses are not hyperlinked - copy and paste into your browser. For further contact information or
corrections contact the
Webmaster (A-B)
(T-Z) |