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1stInf1.jpg (11797 bytes) Ist Inf. Div. These are pictures of some of the 61st IPCT that were taken by Bob (Scobra) Baker of CTT #75-75th IPCT. 6/13/00 - Bob Baker sent in the IDs for these guys.  7/17/02 - Update ID from John Wagaman. From L to R: Dickey, Jearald Dudley and Sal Canchola - CO - 61st IPCT. 4/13/03 - Update from Don Wohlbrandt. "....coming back from a card game at Delta Company barracks." Looks like they won!
1stInf2.jpg (17107 bytes) 1st Inf. Div. - CTT #5 or 61st IPCT.

We have some input from Don Hendricks who was C.O. of the 61st IPCT about this photo and the one above. Don says that he never saw these people and has no idea where the photos were taken, but the venue is definitely not 1st Infantry.

Anybody got a clue? Update - Don Wohlbrandt says that's Jearald Dudley.

Turner1.jpg (19069 bytes)  

CTT 75-75thIPCT. Alan Turner and Pete Peterson. The Team worked with the 173rd Airborne Brigade.

Baker1.jpg (25093 bytes)  


CTT 75. Bob Baker


Perez1.jpg (23174 bytes) CTT 75. Hector Perez on Hwy 19. (The Pipeline) This was the way that the Combat Trackers "greeted" the Bad Guys!
75thA.jpg (20290 bytes) Team on Highway 19 after "lighting up Charlie!"
75thB.jpg (15442 bytes) "Poppin' Smoke" Time to extract-didi mao.
75thC.jpg (19933 bytes) Members of CTT 75 - 75th IPCT
From Howard "Hojo" Johnson 7/14/10: That's Wynn Secrest on the far right.
30yrs later.jpg (16071 bytes) This is Bob Baker 30 years later.
Bob & Nancy 97.jpg (22061 bytes) Bob with his wife Nancy in 1997.
REUNION 2005 1 Humane Society 022.JPG (193429 bytes) Nancy, Bob and Buddy the patrol/tracker dog in 2005.
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