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Page 23A
DL10a.jpg (19825 bytes) This is Willie Howard a BJWS graduate of 1967. The guy to the right is taking his morning shave in that great open air environment, a requirement while in base camp. Things were different in the field   ....NO shaving....NO B.S. (?)

The photos on this page are from Dave Layne.

DL11b.jpg (15671 bytes) David McFarland also graduated from BJWS and was with CTT #12 which was also attached to the 25th Inf. Div. He was a handler and worked with Butch (number unknown).
DL13.jpg (21055 bytes) To the left is Sgt George(?) and Sgt unknown drinking 7-up and at a bar no less. Can anyone help with identification?

This is Sgt George Kawalski and Jerry Quinn. Thanks to Jerry for the clarification.
DL14.jpg (19190 bytes) This is Arnold "Arnie" Edward Johnson of CTT #2. He was KIA on the 16th of November in 1967.
DL15b.jpg (17209 bytes) Mark Thomas Howard Sr of CTT #2, also KIA 11/16/67.
DL16b.jpg (19478 bytes) Robert "Bob" William Brede of CTT #2 also KIA 11/16 67.

On that date Brede, Johnson, Howard, and George Kenneth Koon (no photo) along with Bodie (4A75) died together.


DL17b.jpg (19846 bytes) This is a part of a note from Bob Brede's Mom.....
DL39c.jpg (10916 bytes) Dave calls this "Tracker feet". He says they are "my feet and someone else's".


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