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samA.jpg (29333 bytes) SAMBO (5A15) outside of his bunker awaiting the next mission-1967 at LZ 2 Bits. Note that the dogs had bunkers and the men had tents!
party1.jpg (34285 bytes) No caption necessary!
FMTP1.jpg (47200 bytes)  

Frank Merritt, SAMBO, Tom Presley and LUCKY at the British Jungle Warfare School in Malaysia-1967



My Team 2.jpg (33206 bytes) Members of the 65th. I.P.C.T.  attached to the 9th. Infantry Division - 1969. FRONT (left to right): Ron Eitel, Jet, James Tomlinson.   BACK (left to right): Georg Hessenius, Morris Huggins, Andy Kiefhaber. Thanks to George Hessenius for scanning the photo and to Ron Eitel for forwarding.                           
Copy of Kg 1.jpg (30987 bytes) This photo came from Ken Goss. He served with the 65th IPCT '67-'68. Ken says,"A TEAM 65 Inf. CTT after tracking and capturing NVA soldier. L-R Kenneth Goss-Coverman, Sal Calaldo-RTO, Morris Huggins-Team Leader, Warren Heflin-Visual Tracker, James Thomlinson-Dog Handler, Jet (Tracker Dog)....I guess you know that, HA!!"
Ctt5A2.jpg (27789 bytes)

Jim Tomlinson and Jet take a break while on a mission, 65th. I.P.C.T. - 1969.

4BJWS Class of June 1968.jpg (48583 bytes)
British Jungle Warfare School Class of May-June 1968. Photo from Ron Eitel and names sent in by his great wife, Pat!  First row - All unidentified trainers - EXCEPT - from R to L: #7 is Sgt. James Moore -former member of CTT #7. Second row from R to L: #2 person is Kenneth Warrick and #5 is Greg Albertson. Third row R to L: #4 is Robert Patterson, #5 is Jessie Richard, and #6 is Ron Eitel. Fifth row from R to L: #1 is Rory Quirk, #13 is Morris Huggins, and #14 is Roger Marnell.  FYI - the name identifications came from a communication between Patti Albertson and Pat Eitel - "atta way, Gals!"  Thanks! (We have heard that Sgt. Moore is deceased - and hold his memory dear in our hearts.)

    From Bob Baker, "I was looking through the photo album when on page 2A I saw a class picture sent in by Ron, I can help with some Id's on it especially in the back row. 5th from left is Leo Myers, 7th Sal Canchola, 8 Rick Vaughn, 9 Jearald Dudley,10 John Bersuch, 11 Bob Baker (ME), 12 Alan Turner, 13 Pete Malae, Next row down on the right end is Lynn Pittman. Myers (KIA),Canchola and Dudley were 61st IPCT (1st Inf.) The rest of us were 75th IDCT 173rd Abn Bde.

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This is a photo of the 65th IPCT area. It comes from Michael Burke, CO of the 65th in 1968-69. Thanks to Mike and to Ron Eitel who forwarded the image.
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