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SC1b.jpg (16314 bytes) Welcome to CAV COUNTRY - LZ 2 BITS, home of CTT#7 and CTT #8. The photos on this page come from Steve Cradick who served with CTT #8 and 62nd IPCT.  Steve was also a graduate of BJWS.
SC3b.jpg (22561 bytes) This is Steve Cradick on a stand down at his "Home". The accommodations at LZ 2 bits were "Outstanding" and offered many amenities as evident in this photo.
SC4b.jpg (12724 bytes) This is Shadow B387, a British trained Lab. and veteran of the Malaya Insurrection.  From information which we have from that time period, we found that many of these Veteran Tracker Dogs had been decorated - and in the British Army, they held rank - probably higher than the rest of the Team!
SC5b.jpg (17372 bytes) Shadow awaits his next mission, or maybe the opportunity to run the "wire" and go to the village for a little something "strange".
SC6b.jpg (15664 bytes) Steve and buddy Shadow. Shadow was handled by both John Dotson and Steve.

Shadow was KIA in 1968 and though he is gone he is not forgotten. His handler at that time is unknown.

SC7b.jpg (16693 bytes) The "Work Detail".
SC8b.jpg (31832 bytes) Party time! L to R: Steve Cradick, Donald Turner, Bill Reed, John Dotson, (?) hiding behind Tom's beer can, and Tom Niggermeyer. Love that Pabst Blue Ribbon!
SC9b.jpg (16722 bytes) L to R: Sgt. Moore, Shadow (working the crowd), Bill Reed, Larry Trout, the others are unidentified.

After this tour Sgt. Moore went to BJWS in Malaysia to be an instructor and taught the trainees to have "The Fear of God" with live ammo exercises.

SC10bjpg.jpg (29700 bytes) A tactics discussion. L to R: Neil Couch, Donald Turner, Bill Reed, John Dotson, Tom Niggermeyer.
SC2b.jpg (20167 bytes)

Gone but not forgotten: Dennis Beuke and Elmer Mahurin forever together on the WALL.



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