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The bus ride from Richmond to Arlington. Buddy, Bob Baker's urban tracker dog falls in love.

Photo from Pete Cochran
The entrance to Arlington National Cemetery.

Photo from Don Hendricks
The group arrives at Arlington. Sergeant Major Steward briefs the troops. "Now hear up..."

Photo from Cate Merritt
The presenters report in uniform and blazers. Don Best, Bill Welch, Don Hendricks and Dick Baumer, Officers and Gentlemen all. Observing are Jimmy Adams and Steve Barton.

Photo from Pete Cochran
A great photo of Don Hendricks, CO of CTT#13. Love that Vietnam Campaign and Vietnam Service tie.

Photo from Ed Wheeler
The beginning of the ceremony with part of the group in the background. The bugler was from the Army Band.
Photo from Pete Cochran
The Wreath is passed to the Old Guard.

Photo from Ed Wheeler
The Wreath is placed and honors rendered. Thanks to all for doing the Trackers proud.

Photo from John Thomas
The Wreath with the Tomb of the Unknowns in the background.

Photo from John Thomas
Some of the group with the guard shack in the background. L to R: Grant Coates, Tom McLemore, John Carroll, "HoJo" Howard Johnson, Jerry Bates, Norm Shaw, Ed Wheeler, Chuck Steward, John Wagaman and Dave Folland. Coates, McLemore, Carroll, Johnson and Folland were first time attendees to a Tracker reunion. Photo from Don Hendricks
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