This page is from Howard Colley - 63rd IPCT 1968-1969.
We don't know what's happening out there, but all of a sudden, the guys from
Americal are all "coming home"! Here is Howard Colley with Darkie
(6B61). They are ready to go. |
Sgt. Stephen Carter and Sgt. Howard Colley. The story on this photo
is that "Top has been trading again." Time for a party! |
And here's the party: From L front to R: Walter Magee, Mike Seniuk,
Fitchie Mason, Bruce Kleinfelter. (Not sure about the guy in the center.) The three
on the front R: Gary Souder, Ernie Demars, and Lawrence Eustice. Can't ID the guys in the
back! |
The BAR at 63rd IPCT! |
From L to R: Howard Colley, Tom Votava, Walter Magee, Fitchie Mason
and Lawrence Eustice. (Thanks to Gary Souder for Tom Votava's name!) |
Howard and Darkie at the beach. |
Waiting for the call at LZ Baldy - Howard surveys the area. |
Howard Colley on the left, and James Marten on the right - seated on the
CTT - Mobile. |