The photos on this and the following page came from Steve
Carriere. Steve graduated from the Fort Gordon school and served with the 75th IDCT
attached to the 173rd Airborne Brigade. His tour of duty was 1969-70. To the left:
"Carriere foreground. Selhime squatting on right. Lilly in background. Interrogator
and "V.C." in middle". |
"Standing, Robert Scott, Stacey Eaton. Sitting, Sam
Hobson, Steve Krause, Dave Brown and Bryn". |
"L-R: Chuck Selhime, Tony Holland, Doug Turnbull,
Steve Carriere, Bill Ratliff, Paul Simpson, Stacey Eaton, Robert Scott, Steve
Krause". |
"L-R: Steve Krause, Robert Scott". |
"L-R: Steve Krause, Paul Simpson, Ben Miller". |
"Bryn catching some rays". |
"Billy Ratliff (KIA)". |