This page came to us from Ed Wheeler who served with the 61st IPCT.
This is a photo of Ed working with a German Shepherd at Tan Tuy Hoa - while awaiting
orders for BJWS. Army SOP - Hurry up.............and wait! |
This is the Orderly Room for the 61st IPCT. Here are Lt. Don
Hendricks and Ed Wheeler discussing how to make things happen. |
This is the team vehicle for the 61st IPCT. It was used to move dogs
and personnel, etc. Love that Indian on the grill! |
This is MUSH. Ed says "he was a veteran of Borneo, and probably the
oldest of the dogs at JWS. Although you cannot see it in the photo, he already had
cataracts in both eyes. He was a fully trained tracker when he taught me how to be a
tracker". |
This is a photo of the new Canine Motel which was being built for the
four-footed warriors of the 61st IPCT. |