This and the next page were sent to us by Greg and Patti Albertson -
thanks, guys! Here is Goldie (5X03) and if you look closely, not only is he doing a
balancing act - but with a cigarette in his mouth! Patti says, "Like many GIs,
he wasn't yet aware of the dangers of smoking." Greg was a Graduate of BJWS and
trained in Visual Tracking. After Ray Bowers left, Greg took over as Goldie's
Handler. |
Here's a great shot of Ringo, Scout Dog attached to the 4th Infantry
Division. This was taken in November 1968. |
This is a great photo of Goldie's previous handler, Ray Bowers, with the
64th IPCT. Ray was Goldie's handler prior to Greg Albertson. This was,
obviously, a "candid" shot. |
This is Mike Meden, who handled Ringo the Scout Dog. Greg doesn't
remember the designation of the Scout Dog Unit, but they frequently worked with the 64th
IPCT which was based at Camp Enari. |
The 64th IPCT members with their Staff Vehicle. Clockwise from the
left are: Greg Albertson, Goldie, Larry Dood, John Dodson, Ike (Grody) Hawkins, and the
unnamed Choi Hoi who was assigned to the Team. The sign on the CTT truck says,
"Peanut Butter is better than pot." |