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The 2008 Reunion was held in Nashville, Tennessee and hosted by Bob Baker. Bob was assisted by his wife Nancy and family K9s Buddy and Xena. Thanks for a great job!

To the left are Estel Matt, Leonard Garcia, Jimmy Nakagawa and wife. Leonard and Jimmy were first time attendees.

The photos on this page came from Chuck Steward unless otherwise noted.

Nashville Kats Jerry Pritchett and Norm Shaw, both Big Red Ones...
Breakfast time at the hotel. Steve Barton studies a tourist brochure while Vic Sokeland (hidden), James Cobb, Ed Arnado and Estel Matt plan Studdy's next great adventure.
Officers Don Best and Don Hendricks study their retirement checks while Don's wife Elaine looks on. Don says "How can I afford to buy gas on this?"
Ed Wheeler with his son Ed who is currently serving in the Army. Is that a reenlistment check?
Tom Dodd, Leonard Garcia and Jimmy Nakagawa enjoying the moment.
Leonard Garcia, Norm Massey and Jimmy Nakagawa all served with the 75th IDCT attached to the 173rd Airborne Brigade.
James Cobb and Walter Ennis. They served with the 63rd and 66th IPCTs respectively.
J.W. Goin served with the 61st IPCT and was also a first time attendee.
First row left to right: Jerry Pritchett, Norm Shaw, Ed Arnado with Stubby, Frank Merritt, Tom Dodd, Ed Wheeler, Don Hendricks, J.W. Goin, Jimmy Nakagawa
Second row left to right: Vic Sokeland, Chuck Steward, Jerry Bates, Jerry Anglin (with hat) Bob Baker, Dennis Johnson, Don Campbell, Bob Konarske.
Third row left to right: James Cobb (hidden), Estel Matt, Walter Ennis, Leonard Garcia, Bill Welch (hidden), Ron Eitel, Norm Massey, Don Best.
Not shown: Wendell Taylor, Alvin Rose, Steve Tolson, Steve Barton, Ken Goss,
Doug Turnbull.


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