The LARGEST Combat Tracker Team Group ever: BJWS Instructors, First
provisional CTTs, IPCT/IDCTs, Ft. Gordon Instructors. The group represents Trackers
from the very beginning of the program to the last stand down! God bless you all -
and may we have more together next year! |
25TH INFANTRY DIVISION - CTT #1, #2, #12, and 66th IPCT Front L to
R: David Kast, Mark Hipp, Kelly Ilolahia (BJWS Instructor), DeWitt Roberts, and Mark
Howard, Jr. Back L to R: Mike Landers, Jim Chaney, Tom Auer, Paul Louder,
Bruce Seabrook and Dave Layne. |
63rd IPCT - 23rd INF. DIV. - |
1st Cav - CTT #7, #8 and 62nd IPCT - |
9th INF. DIV. - CTT #6, #14 and 65th IPCT |