comboC.gif (10428 bytes)Thank You  updated June '24


Thanks to Tracker Frank Merritt and to Sue Merritt Webmistress/Historian for the endless hours of data entry, time on the phone, all the e-mail correspondence, and for making this site a reality. Thanks to Dave Layne for all his time spent surfing the Web for information, and for corresponding with so many. Dave is a consummate Tracker and a right hand.  Also a Thanks to Don Hendricks, Dave Layne, Dick Burke, Chet Ellingson, Mitch Scott and Frank Merritt for all of their efforts to bring the TRACKER FAMILY home at last. They started the non-profit corporation - Combat Tracker Teams of the Viet Nam War, Inc. to be sure that the Trackers will go proudly forward together into the new Millennium.   

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to Mike Landers for finding the Trackers who served with both the 25th & 9th Infantry Divisions and for his work on the 1999 ALL TRACKER Reunion in Saint Louis, MO. Thanks Perry Callaway and company for their work on the 2001 TRACKER Reunion in San Antonio, TX. Thanks to Sue Merritt for the 2002 Reunion in Easton, PA. Thanks to Chuck Steward for hosting the 2003 TRACKER Reunion in El Paso, TX. Thanks to Ron Eitel and Jim Myrick for putting together the 2004 TRACKER Reunion in Oklahoma City, OK. Thanks to Ken Goss for hosting the 2005 TRACKER Reunion in Columbus, GA and to Jesse Mendez, Dixie Whitman and the German Shepherd Club of Atlanta for their hard work and assistance.  Thanks to Don Campbell for the 2006 TRACKER Reunion in Milwaukee, WI. Thanks to John Dupla, his family and friends, Mark Bowen, and Clem Hausmann for the 2007 Reunion in Galveston, TX. Thanks to Bob Baker for hosting the 2008 Reunion in Nashville, TN. Thanks to Steve Barton for all the hard work to make the 2009 Richmond/Arlington Reunion a great event. Thanks to Leonard Garcia for hosting the 2010 Reunion in Fresno, CA - job well done. Thanks to Sue Merritt for the 2011 Fort Washington, PA Reunion. Chuck Steward hosted the 2012 reunion in Albuquerque, NM - our thanks to you and the folks at the hotel. John and Donna Carroll hosted the 2013 reunion in Canton, Ohio and dedicated the Combat Tracker Team Memorial Bench at the Ohio Veterans Memorial Park. Great job! Bob Konarske hosted the 2014 get-together in Charleston, West Virginia. Thanks to Bob for a job well done and to the people of Charleston who love veterans! Thanks to Lloyd Pursley for a job well done with the 2015 reunion in Mobile, Alabama. Thanks to Jack, Rosalie and the Patrick family for hosting the 2016 reunion in Allen Park, Michigan - and thanks to JD Dudley and family for the fish fry and then some - and thanks to Mike Horton for the t-shirts - and thanks to Chuck Steward for the auction and then some - and to Yvonne Auer for the quilt and to Bob Konarske for the woodwork - and to Don Campbell for the scholarship fund and to all for your donations. The 2017 reunion was held in Branson, MO and hosted by Tom & Yvonne Auer with able assistance from Walter & Kathy Ennis. A great time was had by all and a big "Thank You" from the Trackers. The 2018 20th Anniversary Reunion was hosted by Mike & Pam Sisco and Gary & Beverly Walker in St. Augustine, Florida - historic place, historic time! Thanks to all for your hard work that made the get-together a success. And thanks to all for supporting the Combat Tracker Team website. The 2019 Reunion was held in Rapid City, South Dakota. Arrangements were made remotely by Chuck Steward - well done Sergeant Major! 2020 the Tracker family gathered in Greenville, South Carolina. Tom and Marjorie Dodd hosted the reunion ably assisted by family and friends - our thanks to all. 2021 found the Tracker Family in Lexington, Kentucky, again hosted by Chuck Steward - another well done to Chuck. 2022 was Kansas City/Independence, MO hosted by Sunny Apman - good job, good time. Thanks Sunny. Off to Chattanooga, Tennessee in 2023 Thanks to Chuck Steward, and Kathy Ennis for setting things up remotely. And thanks to American Legion Post 95 and to Mission BBQ. Our 26th reunion, 2024 was held in San Antonio, Texas where we visited the Military Working Dog Teams National Monument at Joint Base Lackland. Things were arranged remotely by Sue Merritt with local help from Tom Rivera. Thanks.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to ALL the Trackers for their support and for sending their photos and sharing the information. Thanks to ALL their wives and families for understanding why this project is so important to so many. I hope that you will always be proud of the results of your honorable service as it is represented to the public through YOUR Website and through other media.  I can only hope tell it and show it as best I can - any errors are clearly mine, and all respect and recognition is yours and long overdue!

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to ALL Instructors - #2 WDTU, Royal Army Veterinary Corps;  Staff of British Jungle Warfare School;  Dog Training Detachment, Bien Hoa, RVN;  CTT School, Ft. Gordon, GA.  The proof of the excellence of your instruction is evident in the number of Trackers who came home.  To a man, there are not enough words in the language to adequately thank you.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Here's a salute to the Labs!  God bless them all!

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to Steve Cradick of CTT#8 for starting the track to find his fellow team members many years ago and for holding the first Tracker Reunion. Thanks to John Dupla, the Unit Historian for CTT#7 & 8, 62nd IPCT for saving the papers, for finding so many Trackers and providing so much valuable information.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to
Col. Dick Baumer, USAR for his support and encouragement. Dick is
a former Tracker CO and an Officer and Gentleman of the highest order.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to
Bob Konarske for conceiving and making the Tracker gear project a reality.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to
Ken Goss, Mo Huggins, Gary and Mary Morris, Ron and Pat Eitel, and Wiley Clark for the outstanding CTT Memorial Tribute that they have created. 

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to 
Kregg Jorgenson, author of "LRRPs in Cambodia - M.I.A. Rescue", and many other titles, for his help in getting the story out. To Martin Murray, writer and historian, for all of the worldwide travel, countless interviews, and research.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) And to Dr. Howard Hayes for all the research and information on the Teams and Dogs - a very special friend and supporter - whose other saving grace is his appreciation of ZZ TOP!.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to
Major David Scott-Donelan, former Officer with the SAS 22nd Regiment, C Squadron, and owner of  MANTRACK - the tactical tracking school, for his support and information and for being a good friend.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to fellow Tracker
Barry Magor, 8RAR, Australia, and to Alan Grayling, New Zealand, for their support and information.

RVNribbon.jpg (1086 bytes) Thanks to Father George C. Allen II, Brigadier General, USAFR, for his support and spiritual guidance - He who is always willing and able to do whatever he can for the Viet Nam Vet!  Our own personal Chaplain!

wpe1.jpg (1127 bytes) A very heartfelt Thanks to
VIETNAM MAGAZINE for their support and excellent introduction of Combat Tracker Teams to the public.  We are profoundly grateful!

